What is the World Wide Web?

Question of the day is what is the World Wide Web? It stands for “www” at the beginning of most web addresses. There ya have it that’s what is in simple terms. If you want a more complex explanation, then look it up! That’s what the web is for but for my school here it it is in my summarized view.

The World Wide Web is a huge of collection of everything you find on the web, which contains text pages, digital photographs, music files, videos, and animations you can access over the Internet. A website is a collection of individual web pages, which contain plain text interspersed with special instructions for displaying that text. The special type of text (also the easiest and most well known code) is HTMl, which stands for Hypertext Markup Language. The pages are then placed within web servers, which are connected to the internet, so that we, through the internet, are able to access them.

What would we do without the World Wide Web? Probably go back before it was invented and pick up life from there. Is that I good thing? Probably not because most people don’t know how to live without the web, which could result in world wide panic!

Science lesson 185, 8th grade essay.

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